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E-Commerce Release Waiver

Autofill – Autocomplete – Autosuggest – SBO Service Agreement

AutoComplete Pro LLC, (hereto referred to as “Agency”) and Client , (hereto referred to as “Client”) hereby enters jointly into this Service Agreement agreeing to the following terms:


Agency Search Box Optimization Program


  1. Agency shall provide the Search Box Optimization service (“SBO”) to the client to be seen more prominently by potential customers. This will include optimizing the Client for the keywords indicated in Section 2 and performing optimization techniques that allow keywords to be seen in Google and or MSN & Bing autofill / autocomplete / autosuggest drop down.


Initial Client understands that it may take up to 180 days for keywords to appear in the autofill / autocomplete / autosuggest box in Google and or MSN search engine, and up to 60 days to appear in the autofill / autocomplete / autosuggest box in Bing search engine.


Selected Keywords


  1. Agency shall complete the programming and optimization work required to have the keyword phrases indicated below show up in Google and or MSN and Bing search engine autofill / autocomplete / autosuggest suggestion box.


Keyword Schedule

As Stated On Previous Screen

Total Monthly Price:  As noted 


Keyword Reservation Fee and Monthly Service Fee


  1. RESERVATION FEE:  Client shall pay a one-time reservation fee equal to the full price outlined within the keyword schedule to reserve the above-listed keyword phrases, which will reserve the keyword phrases for the Client. Only upon an executed agreement and the collection of the reservation fee will the claimed keyword(s) no longer be available for purchase. THE RESERVATION FEE IS NON REFUNDABLE AFTER 10 DAYS OF SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT.


MONTHLY SERVICE FEE:  Client shall pay a reoccurring monthly service fee equal to the price outlined within the keyword schedule and per the Payment Provisions below.


Payment Provisions


  1. Agency will not charge Client the monthly service fee until one of the above-listed keywords shows in either the Google And or MSN or Bing search engine. Therefore, the monthly service fee will be determined as follows:
  1. If a keyword shows within 30 days, due date is the contract monthly anniversary date, or



  1. It is likely that Bing will populate first and thus, the first monthly payment will be due once in Bing’s autosuggest, pursuant of section 4(a) & section 4(b)


  1. CONTRACT DURATION: The contract is effective when signed and shall be in full force and effect for a period of twelve (12) monthly payments, and then turns into a month-to-month contract thereafter. After this service agreement turns into a month-to-month agreement, Client can cancel the service at any time pursuant to section 8 below.


  1. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: The reservation fee shall be 100% refundable if Agency fails to get Client’s business into autofill / autocomplete / autosuggest within 180 days of the signing date of the contract in either the Google And Or MSN autocomplete / autosuggest, or Bing autocomplete / autosuggest.


Other Provisions


  1. EXCLUSIVITY. So long as Client continues to pay for these services, Agency will not market or circumvent any other competitor and/or partnership using the key phrases listed in Section 2 in this agreement. Client retains exclusive marketing rights to these key phrases during the contract period.


  1.  CANCELING THIS AGREEMENT. After the initial 12-month term once the contract turns into a month-to-month contract, a one-month cancellation notice is required by the Client to discontinue the contract during the contract period. The notice can be emailed to or mailed to Agency at the address 1565, 701 Tillery Street Unit 12, Austin, TX, Travis, US, 78702




Search Engine Algorithm Changes


In the event that Client loses a keyword phrase from the autofill / autocomplete / autosuggest search box, Agency shall have 30 days to get a keyword phrase back up into the autofill / autocomplete / autosuggest search box, otherwise customer will not be charged for any keywords that are not showing in Google and/or Bing autocomplete / autosuggest, based on the exact percentage of the contract that represents the affected keyword(s) and search engine(s).


First Exclusive Right


It is quite possible that multiple companies are interested in purchasing the same keywords. In the event that 2 or more companies purchase the same keywords, at a similar point in time, Agency shall grant those keywords to the company whose time-stamped submission is the earliest. Agency markets the same keywords, to multiple different companies, at the same time and never holds keywords without payment of the applicable reservation fees.


Tag Phrase Modification


During the initial onboarding of your account, due diligence is performed to ensure maximum effectiveness.  Agency reserves the right to modify the tag phrase at any time to maximize exposure. Such modifications shall be presented to the customer within 14 days of the signed agreement. This will not change the keyword you are claiming, just the tag phrase attached to it in order to maximize the subsequent search results for your business.

Agreement to be effective as of the following date: Today

“Signed by you, or on your behalf by an authorized representative of AutoComplete Pro LLC via telephone.”